Frequently Asked Questions


How can I locate the ScriptoMate installation folder?

ScriptoMate (by default) gets installed in C:\Users\{your user name}\AppData\Roaming\ScriptoMate IDE

How do I install ScriptoMate IDE?

Please read this article on our support site.

Where can I find examples of ScriptoMate Xml files?

As part of your installation, examples for all actions and functions are available in Xml\Examples\Datasets and Xml\Examples\Workflows. In Xml\Examples you will also find an Excel file that can be used to quickly locate the example you need.

Intended usage

Which people use ScriptoMate?

ScriptoMate can be used by anyone with basic analytical skills. Amongst others: business analysts, financial analysts, accountants, test analysts, product owners, project managers, website administrators, system administrators, functional analysts, migration and transition managers, system integrators, cloud developers, etc.

What kind of tools can I build with ScriptoMate?

You can build almost anything that doesn’t require a Graphical User Interface. Examples are: data transformation tools, Excel preprocessors, data cleansing tools, model validators, migration and transition tools, test automation tools, API workflow orchestration tools, workflow automation tools, system integration tools, tools that provide bulk actions for files and mails, backup tools, website maintenance tools, web crawlers and spiders, etc.

Does ScriptoMate require programming skills?

No. ScriptoMate is designed for Citizen Developers like analysts, accountants, system administrators, and engineers.

Is ScriptoMate an RPA tool?

Yes and No. RPA (Robotic Process Automation) mostly refers to the automation on GUI level, which is not what ScriptoMate does. ScriptoMate automates all kinds of common tasks, from data processing to file and email automation.


Which licenses are available?

See this page.

Does ScriptoMate stops functioning when the license is expired?

Yes. ScriptoMate is license on a “subscription” basis. A subscription license allows you to use a specific edition for a specific period (one year). Please refer to the license agreement for more details.


How can I use expressions in ScriptoMate?

See this page on the support website

How can I create a desktop shortcut to run my diagrams?

See this page on the support website

How can I run ScriptoMate diagrams?

See this page on the support website

What is a component?

A component is a special type of diagram. A diagram that is saved with component settings will be recognized by ScriptoMate as a “custom action”. For more details see this page on the support website.

Which file types are supported?

ScriptoMate supports CSV, fixed length, Excel, Xml, Json, and Html for importing and exporting data. For common file actions (move, copy, etc.) the file type does not matter.

Which databases are supported?

ScriptoMate supports Sqlite, Odbc, OleDb, and SqlServer out of the box.